Thursday, November 12, 2009

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1544: At odds with Calvin Sebastian Castellon should leave Geneva

Article published in the newspaper La Tribune de Genève of March 14, 2009.


© International Museum of reform post master e-school. Yet the dream of Castellon is to become pastor ...
Châteillon Sebastian (he Latinized his name later) was born in 1515, the year of the Battle of Marignano to Ingalls. He is six years younger than Calvin. "Nobody knows how this son of a peasant was able to study," said Vincent Schmid, making him the third man in his recent book on Michael Servetus (1). Without doubt he is a child prodigy. A nobleman or a clergyman should then encourage young talent appeared on their land.
Revelation Lyon

Castellio with known life thanks to the enormous work of Ferdinand Buisson, published in 1892, therefore his schooling at La Trinidad de Lyon, a college renowned humanist. "In this city at the top of his business, the Lutheran ideas were quickly circulated," continues Vincent Schmid, who is also pastor of St. Peter. "The student has read The institution of the Christian Religion by Calvin, released in Latin in Basel. This is his revelation. " By an accident which is not quite one, Bressan meeting Calvin, then in exile in Strasbourg. We here in 1541. "It seems he even lived with him. "We swim so fast theological romance. Recalled to Geneva, Picard takes Castellon in his luggage.
Their ideas differ, however, fast enough. "Calvin, like Servetus believed that God spoke to him. It is an inspiration. "Castellon appears more open. "Compared to his master, who remains in many respects a representative of the Middle Ages, he announced Modern Times." Dissident defends the Anabaptists. He denounces the collusion of civil and religious. He finally asks a plurality of votes within the same church.

The Holy Trinity? A brainchild

To enlarge the opening, Castellon even offers a common denominator. Everyone must believe in one God, omnipotent, eternal and creator. With the Trinity, we enter the speculative domain already. "A revolution." This is indeed the apple of discord since the Council of Nicaea in 325. How can Christ be both God and man, eh? I ask you! The question Trinity is thus at the heart of the trial of Michael Servetus in 1553. For the English doctor Jesus is the son of God. He will go to the stake, in Champel, saying "Jesus son of God eternal" and not, as it should, "Jesus, son of God eternal." The idea Castellio our revolt, taking refuge in Basel. There is an all trades (sawyer, water-carrier ...) to feed her eight children before teaching Greek at the famous University City.

Castellio thus takes its most beautiful pen. He will defend the post mortem heretic. "Killing a man is not defending a doctrine is to kill a man," he wrote in his libel against Calvin. The sentence made a fortune. She spends the first assertion of religious tolerance. The problem is Castellio that has not published during his lifetime. His book does not appear, and the Netherlands, in 1613.

Posterity Dutch and French

"Castellon has been out three of his books," says Pastor Schmid, "including his superb translation of the Bible." Why such caution? "I see pressure. Calvin, who was a network, could infiltrate Basel. The University of that city had to play its role in threatening the author of sanctions. "Hellenization took his post. He died in 1563, exhausted and disappointed, a few months before his enemy Geneva. The exile will not be quite forgotten. "Let's say he comes and goes in religious history." Castellon in 1619 will be cited at the Synod of Dort, which compete hawks and doves of Protestantism. Read Spinoza.

"Pierre Bayle speaks of him in his Dictionnaire historique et critique of 1697, seemed cautiously in Rotterdam. It is no accident that finally Bush chose as a subject of contention in the nineteenth. "A former pastor has been in France the apostle of secularism." Then came Stefan Zweig. The Viennese took the opportunity to bring Calvin Hitler. Dammit!

(1) "Michel Servet, Du stake to freedom of conscience", Vincent Schmid, Editions Paris-Max Chaleil, 176 pages

The case of the atheist Jacques Gruet

Its tolerance mean that it is ready for anything Castellio admit? No. A case, too black to be discussed during a Jubilee Calvin very consensual, proves it. This is the trial of Jacques Gruet. The story takes place in 1547, while Bressan is long gone, but it makes noise. In June 1947, therefore, a poster placards Gruet the chair of St. Peter. She talks about "fucking renegade priests who come to ruin."

The culprit is quickly identified. You can find him in the manuscripts. For Gruet, the laws of Moses "have no other origin than the whims of men." The opinion of Calvin on the immortality of the soul remains a "Faribole. The afterlife does not exist. The important thing is to live the moment, messed up the rules established by the Consistory. His trial is that of free-thinking. Not a word of Castellon. "Gruet fate of the famous minimal framework. For our theologian and an atheist remains a monster. "There is no place for him. The heretic believes in God. Jew and Muslim, on the edge too. With an empty sky, we enter the do-maine the unthinkable. "

Brule wordlessly

In these circumstances, the unfortunate Gruet be burned on July 26 remains normal to Castellon. "Remember that the skepticism of Montaigne is very discreet. The official purpose of civil society remains, in the sixteenth century, the worship of God. "In the twenty-first, the question still arises. One European country has it not banned a few weeks ago, an advertisement for atheism "For the sake of practicing believers"? So do not be surprised if Servetus Street and has its expiatory monument, while Gruet nothing. It took on the enormous work of Amédée Roget Geneva in 1870 for man kind of oblivion. What do you want? The story goes Martyrs respectable. Is everything lost for the forgotten in 1547? Not quite. As recalled Bernard Lescaze, the phrase chosen to adorn a wall of this space was that libertarian Ilôt 13, behind the station, Gruet is signed. "If a man wants to eat well, others have nothing to do with it, and if I want to dance, jump, lead a merry life, what to do justice? "(ed)