During his trial Servetus was accused of pantheism, the idea that everything that exists in the universe is a part of God.
But Pantheism of Servetus is quite limited because he believed in a personal God and transcendent, as opposed to the pantheistic system itself
It remains and is certainly not theistic naturalist.
That suggests the Bible, for example with Isaiah 40:25-28, Genesis 1:7 or Genesis 1:2 where the Hebrew word "werouaḥ" (from "rouah) translates as "spirit" but also "wind" and other words that denote an active force invisible. This contrasted somewhat with the teaching of theologians from St. Augustine, who were content to teach God created the universe from nothing.
I suggest you read below what apes have written Domeyne Stone, George and Roland Bainton Haldas about "pantheism" Michel Servet.
Domeyne Pierre - Michel Servet: At the risk of losing
On supposed pantheism of Servetus, Calvin breaks loose as he later tell about the assertion that Servetus
Here is an excerpt of the exchange:
Calvin What, wretch, so each time you host a floor, we should say that we also host God? Do you not ashamed of such nonsense?
But yes, I have no doubt that this bench here, and everything that you could not show me either the substance of God. Calvin The devil would be God by his essence?
Do you doubt it by chance, that is good is my fundamental principle that all things are part and portion of God and the nature things are substantially the spirit of God,
(Calvin note here that Servetus laughed ...)
In this exchange, Servet reply with a subtle humor in reasoning led to the absurd and a formidable sense of dialectics. Here is a Spaniard about Narrated by Calvin always has at least the merit of the answers mention of Servet may turn against himYou said if you stir it up, you do You stepwise movement in God. So you Browse through the Devil. But we move and live in God, in which we live. Even if you're a blind demon, you don 'are equally supported by God. Chapter V. Pages 98 and 99. Abstract presented with the permission of the author.
Edition L'Harmattan (Paris) 2008 - ISBN: 978-2-296-05942-9 - Target price: 17 €
http://www.editions- harmattan.fr / index.asp? navig = catalog & obj = book & no = 26663
George Haldas - Passion and Death of Michael Servetus
pantheistic For inspiration, finally, Servet:
35 ° Whether the air is the spirit of God, and God is named Spirit that gives life to all things by its spirit of air.
he does not remember having written this way. However, he confesses that the air is called
and that God is
mind both in its essence as it inspires and enlivens the air. ... PANTHEISM If you exclude the idea of God, nothing can be longer as stones, gold, flesh, of soul of man, man, as is the idea of God creating the existence of specific and individual things. God essentializes species. It gives fuel to heavenly spirits. From it derives the line of divine essences, which, in turn, infusing his essence into other beings. God Himself is in them and the light of his word radiates in them. He sustains all things in their essence, so that any creature that does not support is reduced to nothingness. Because it contains within itself the essences of all things, he shows himself to us in the reality of fire, stone, a stick, a flower, etc.. It is not altered, but it is a stone that is seen in God. Is this a real stone? Yes, for God in the wood is wood, and the stone is stone, and having in itself the shape of the stone, the substance of the stone, so I consider it to be effectively stone, bearing the essence and form, although not having no matter. (From the re Christianismi - ed)
Chapter III. Pages 80 and 239.
Edition L'Age d'Homme (Lausane) 1975 - ISBN:
2-8251-2937-2 - Indicative price: 24 € http://www.lagedhomme.com/boutique/fiche_produit.cfm?ref=2-8251-2937-
2 & type = 22 & code_lg lg_fr = & num = 91 & pag = 8
Roland H. Bainton - Michael Servetus - Heretic and Martyr - 1553-1953
Regarding points of doctrine, Calvin, and relates the discussion of Pantheism:
When he says that all creatures are the very substance of God and therefore all things are full of God (Because he was not ashamed to express his thoughts well in writing and orally), I was indignant, wounded to the quick: "What, wretch 1 Then each time you host a floor, we should say we crowd as his God? Do you not ashamed of such nonsense? "-" Yes, "he replied, and I have no doubt that this bench that here, and everything you could show me is the essence of God." And when I told him again objected: "The devil would be God by his essence? "He replied with a chuckle:" Do you doubt it by chance? This is where my fundamental principle that all things are part and portion of God and the nature of things is substantially the spirit of God "
Servet commented this discussion as follows:
You said if you stir it up, you do stepwise movement in God. So you Browse through the Devil. But we move and live in God, in which we live. Even if you're a blind demon, you're not less supported by God.
Edition Droz (Geneva) 1953 - ISBN: 978-2-600-03204-9 ISSN: 0082-6081
- Prices: $ 25
reprinted in French, but not available in English at: http:/ / www.amazon.com/Hunted-Heretic-Michael-Servetus-1511-1553/dp/0972501738/ref=pd_sim_b_1
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