True to his passion, the author specializing in issues of religion gives us here the fruits of his work on the question of the divinity of Christ. How
Christian texts, those of the Bible and the Fathers of the Church, have presented Jesus Through the first centuries and how the councils supported by the political authorities have decided the issue.
He shares his personal opinion, reminds us in passing the opinion of historians and critics, all with the concerns to be heard by all those who have mastered the subject, but also those who are unfamiliar with Judaism The Bible and the traditions of the Church.
A beautiful book, a story that takes us back to the origins of Christianity, Jesus as the men were described as well as they wanted ...
website Frédéric Lenoir: http://www.fredericlenoir.com
Videos with Frédéric Lenoir: http://video.google.fr/videosearch?hl=fr&safe=off&rlz=1G1GGLQ_FRFR304 & q =% C3% Fr% C3% A9d A9ric% 20Lenoir & um = 1 & ie = UTF-8 & sa = N & tab = wv #
Books on the same subject :
Richard E. Rubenstein, "The day when Jesus became God"
Gerard Israel "Is Jesus God? "
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