In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Passengers
this frivolous world,
Of these illusory dreams that fly,
Yet hopes are placed
In what will come to disappear.
Blinded by waves of hope
Lost in fits of madness.
Hopes devoured by death,
The morning despairing night.
The sun no longer hoping for the moon,
And the dreams buried beneath the dunes,
Since man strives to build
What will destroy his own hands.
no longer hoped for Prince Charming,
Who would soothe your troubles,
no longer expected: He will not,
The Pretender died in combat.
disemboweled, tortured and murdered,
His honor trampled by this life.
The Hereafter is better and more sure: Neither
fatigue or lethargy, or injury.
And how could you believe it?
This life on his throne, be seated.
His promises are lies lush, shimmering
His caresses, that plague us.
Its beauty, its lights, its mirages,
Te revealing her sweet face,
Temptress, when she speaks, she lie to you. And
lures you to its claws, slowly.
You see that lengthens those in their graves? Think
the day when our turn comes.
is that succumbs to the charms worldly.
Seduced by its pomp and finery.
Abu Hind 2010.
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