CLC Productions, France 3 Rhône-Alpes Auvergne and the Centre produced a film documentary in 2005 directed by George Combe from a screenplay by André Trabet, whose title is:
Vienna holy city, and cursed - from Pontius Pilate to the Templars
In fact this film traces the history of Vienna since shortly before the time of installation of the Celts, to a little beyond the time of the Reformation .
It includes a passage, unfortunately too short, dedicated to Michel Servet.
You can see in the flesh and the writer Servet biographer, Pierre Domeyne ¹ , commenting on this part of the film about the martyrdom of Geneva.
The DVD is available at Voyageurs time
q ui have made the cast and provided costumes and accessories:

Michel Servet: At the risk of being lost.
See this blog article on May 1
What pantheism in Michael Servetus?
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