In the historical part of Ugo Rizzato " George Blandrata, fox and lion ", directed by Valter Scarafia and performed by the Théâtre du Marquis (Saluzzo, Piedmont, Italy) (link ). Here Michel Servet (played by Ugo Rizzato itself), in prison, is visited Guillerm Farel (played by Franco Bellino ) , Reformed pastor and right arm of John Calvin .
The sincere and stubborn conviction of the accused and the morgue of the inquisitor. All because Servetus was not in favor of infant baptism (the pédobaptême) and it was not in the Trinitarian dogma New Testament, which is quite accurate (see the recent ticket of Michel Theron in Golias-weekly under "the blog of the sexton," entitled " Trinity")!
With Michel Servet (burned in Champel outside the walls of Geneva) and other anti-Trinitarian imprisoned and executed, Unitarianism has its martyrs. She keeps the memory and it makes remembrance; what are its historical roots. Unitarianism has a history heroic figures with which he is justifiably proud (see our website documentary of Satchel The Unitarians ) and along its development in time and space. The last martyr was the Rev. Norbert Capek , gassed in the Nazi camp at Dachau in October 1942 (the worship of Unitarian this June pays special tribute to him).
A tradition is made up of people who believe in and devote themselves to it.
Source: http://actua.unitariennes.over-blog.com/categorie-11383551.html
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