All Azimuts The company provides public record in DVD format.
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This show takes us through time, bringing us back to two times intolerance and persecution.
That of Calvin's Geneva, Puritan theocracy is not burdened by any critic of religion, including the persecution of men considered heretics will even make them perish by the sword and fire to some, and another closest to us, that of Nazi barbarism in the name of an ideology of superiority, take away the lives of millions of Jews and also of men and women that the party considered harmful.
The piece is a loose adaptation of Stefan Zweig's book that recounts the life of Sebastian Castellon, former companion of Jean Calvin but it banished from Geneva after he had said his differences with the "great reformer."
Castellio will take refuge in Basel, where he leads a complicated life, will suffer the humiliation of being unable to perform his job as a teacher in letters for a long period of time at the point of being forced to work as worker printing and collecting wood in streams.
Passing his time between an uncertain future and the criticism came from Geneva who dreams of his loss he will die young from exhaustion yet.
The So to show concern for primary to compare the discourse of the "Pope of Geneva", impregnated with certainty and brutality and of the exile in Basel, full of vigor and humanity.
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