In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
In the Name of the Lord, whose revelation is our gold. The fragrant scents
did not cover the smell of death.
It is faith that strengthens the lights on in my heart.
Sumptuous solitude and bitter as the flower of saffron. In
long rant, loves separate into ailing
For brothers and sisters who loved each other were never clear.
Their mountain of roses reached the highest altitudes. Declarations of love
hypocrites and disappointments so rude.
friends are no longer, I land in my dark solitude.
Standing, bent over my soul become an ivory tower.
Lonely, forgotten, far from a crowd that I can not see. A
my destiny, bound, like a dead left without goodbye.
I have not seen shining palace of diamonds on earth.
Lost on my island, I am a voluntary castaway.
To combat my faults, loneliness is my sanctuary.
is the solitary walk of one who relied on others.
Since all her secrets could end up being betrayed. It only
sparkle like a star lost in the night.
I who am with you, but if only the back of my mind.
I'm like a leaf blown by the wind that shuddered. Me
free stormy seas of vicious companies. I'm
sun was isolated from cloudless skies.
Dreaming of freedom, alone with my heart and thunderstorms.
And I'll reflect on my work, I'm a hostage.
Lonely in my grave, be my smile or my cries.
Immersed in the other world, immersed in the sweet dreams:
Fragrances Houris of wind by flying their saris.
In my eyes in distress, I put a look on the earth.
advantage of the wisdom of my brothers to me together.
I searched the riches of the faith by being lonely.
: Abu-Hind 2010::
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