Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Rotronic 12.02.1086 Software


In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

In the Name of the Lord, whose revelation is our gold. The fragrant scents
did not cover the smell of death.
It is faith that strengthens the lights on in my heart.

Sumptuous solitude and bitter as the flower of saffron. In
long rant, loves separate into ailing
For brothers and sisters who loved each other were never clear.

Their mountain of roses reached the highest altitudes. Declarations of love
hypocrites and disappointments so rude.
friends are no longer, I land in my dark solitude.

Standing, bent over my soul become an ivory tower.
Lonely, forgotten, far from a crowd that I can not see. A
my destiny, bound, like a dead left without goodbye.

I have not seen shining palace of diamonds on earth.
Lost on my island, I am a voluntary castaway.
To combat my faults, loneliness is my sanctuary.

is the solitary walk of one who relied on others.
Since all her secrets could end up being betrayed. It only
sparkle like a star lost in the night.

I who am with you, but if only the back of my mind.
I'm like a leaf blown by the wind that shuddered. Me
free stormy seas of vicious companies. I'm

sun was isolated from cloudless skies.
Dreaming of freedom, alone with my heart and thunderstorms.
And I'll reflect on my work, I'm a hostage.

Lonely in my grave, be my smile or my cries.
Immersed in the other world, immersed in the sweet dreams:
Fragrances Houris of wind by flying their saris.

In my eyes in distress, I put a look on the earth.
advantage of the wisdom of my brothers to me together.
I searched the riches of the faith by being lonely.

: Abu-Hind 2010::

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Bang Bros Free Online

Clubroot - II - MMX (2010)

Dubstep is fine, dubstep is - basically - the speed garage which decays on sub bass around 140 bpm is a bit of the air bag electronic music Speedee, a heavy machinery, slower and more atmospheric than a bad Marcel Carné full of wet pavements. A sad music generally, overall hazy, music that you listen to taking the air by pulling on a dark clear cigarette full of banned substances. In short nothing much to get excited - the best a trick young idiot, or worse something old young idiot who wants to stay on top (in other times to believe it still was feeling the young chick was better) -. Well you tell me I turn around Bourdaloue and I talk a bit much even when empty, you are right ... Just know that casual consumer niche dubstep aforementioned above I really listened to this album Clubroot this year. In fact, I listened a lot by cleaning (it is very good for), I listen to drunk three or four times (I stopped the illegal for ages) but I do 've ever heard by tracking the bird. As an old fool a little perverse I found a lot of satisfaction, satisfaction paradox, what would you like an album full of flutes dressings, ethnic songs and Synth new age is a little love the worst of the worst without really admitting it.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Sound Blaster License

No comments - N°53

Friday, December 24, 2010

Swollen Breasts Cramps

Squarepusher - Shobaleader One D'Demonstrator (2010)

Pervers as I am I always pretend to love a bad drive that missed everything the world hates. Say for example I like to pretend to love this album by Squarepusher, Jaco Pastorius diminished his taste, his bleached weaklings lift, the smell of conceptual Rode muzak ... Anyway the thing quite sensibly zero for a future ex electronica nerd always a little running around the bush. Question remains why did not masochistic tendency (I'm pretty smoothly sadistic) I pretend to like it? (This dummy narrow, this false West Coast plastic, these vocoder opportunities redeemed nowhere ...) The question is why this little white disk recorder without a mustache who wants more jazz-rock that is, would be found in bleugh ? It's a mystery! Maybe he is not that terrible after all? Go figure, eh!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Viking Ships Labeled Diagram

Sesboüé Bernard, Frédéric Lenoir. The match theological

To read this page:

Who is Jesus?

Sesboüé Bernard, Frédéric Lenoir. The match theological

published 23/12/2010

Frédéric Lenoir *, philosopher, sociologist and historian of religions, director of World Religions, the appellation "Son of God" does not imply that Jesus was considered by his apostles as God himself. The Jesuit theologian Bernard Sesboüé *, Professor Sèvres in the center of Paris, is the opposite view. We interviewed one then the other protagonist and set against their views.

What does the New Testament on the divinity of Jesus?

Response Frédéric Lenoir. The Synoptic Gospels, written shortly after the death of Jesus depict him as "Christ as Lord and Son of God" to quote the title of the book by Bernard Sesboüé. But none of these titles does not say explicitly that Jesus is equal with the Father, He is God made man. The idea of the incarnation appeared later, approximately 70 years after the death of Jesus, with the fourth Gospel attributed to John. For the first time is clearly affirmed identity, and even equality, between the Father and the Son, which seems to contradict the Synoptics. Paul, meanwhile, oscillates between two visions. His Christology is consistent with that of the Synoptics, but some poetic hymns seem to prefigure the vision of John, without being too explicit.

BERNARD Sesboüé Response. After the Resurrection, there is a replay of all the apostles of Jesus in the past. Their ancient understandings of Jesus crystallize, the puzzle fall into place. The apostles realized they rubbed God himself! From the writings of St. Paul, the oldest in the New Testament is clear. Paul famous "Christ in the flesh, which is, above all, God blessed for ever and ever" (Romans 9, 5). In the Epistle to the Philippians, Paul reproduces an ancient catechetical hymn: Christ, the "form of God, was not considered to be prey to seize equality with God but emptied himself, taking the of a slave, becoming as human beings. " Anthem tells how Jesus died on the cross and that God then gives the "name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in the celestial beings, terrestrial and subterranean, and that any tongue should confess that the Lord is Jesus Christ, to the glory of God the Father. " Subsequently, the theology of John develop the theology of the incarnation, but I see no disconnect between Paul and John.

Jesus he said he was God?

Response Frédéric Lenoir. No. He knows he has a unique bond with God, he is the beloved Son Father, it is more than a prophet, but he never shows up as the incarnation of God. He calls himself the "Son of Man", which refers to a messianic title, without being equal to God. The feeling I have, by reading and rereading the Gospels, but certainty is that it was partly a mystery to himself, as he was for his disciples.

BERNARD Sesboüé Response. No, because it would have taken for a fool. But he said "Son of Man", which has a value far greater than if it had called "Son of God." At his trial, in the Gospel of Mark, to answer the high priest who asked him if he is the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed, Jesus said: "I am. And you will see the Son of man seated at right hand of power, coming with the clouds of heaven. "

The divinity of Christ is it essential for a Christian?

Response Frédéric Lenoir. It depends what you mean by god. Basic Christianity based on faith in the Resurrection of Jesus and not on the Trinity, which is a later development. There is no evidence that the early Christians, Jesus' contemporaries, have believed in his full divinity. They believed it was God's messenger, he had a unique relationship with him. I love to Paul: "He is the image of the invisible God. "We can therefore, in my view, be a Christian, like the apostles, believing that Jesus is the son of God without regard it as God. The idea of the incarnation is at the end of the first century, and of the Holy Trinity emerges during the second century to become a dogma with the various councils in the fourth century. This is an attempt to explain Sound of the mystery of Christ, which has always been perceived as a "bridge" between God and men. I do not deny the Trinitarian formula, but I think that we should not take it for an absolute. First, because it was developed and refined in a political context that has sometimes played an important role in some decisions. The most striking example is the Council of Ephesus in 431, which condemned Nestorius - the patriarch of Constantinople, who denied the validity of the expression of Mary "Mother of God" - in unbelievable circumstances which constitute more than the theological thriller breath the Holy Spirit! Secondly, and most importantly, because God is ineffable. I think we can say nothing of what is in its essence, and I agree with the apophatic tradition, Dionysius to Meister Eckhart, who says you can not say anything about God except what he is not. Even St. Thomas Aquinas at the end of his life, said he wanted to burn what he had written because he felt that it was "like straw" compared to what he had seen the ineffable mystery of God. My Christian faith is based on the personal relationship I have with the risen Jesus, a Christ leads me to the ineffable God, rather than on belief in theological formulations, however respectable they may be.

BERNARD Sesboüé Response. Yes. The divinity of Christ in the Trinitarian mystery is what makes or fall into the Christian faith. Moreover, the opponents of the Christians, like the pagan Celsus, testify in their own way, by openly attacking the thesis of the Incarnation, they saw as the central point of Christian faith. The fundamental originality of it is not to say that God exists, but is interested in man developed to share her condition in Jesus. This changes everything: it means that joins humanity from birth to death. Jesus is not simply an intermediary between heaven and earth. It allows us a real communion with the divine world. Jesus praying, I am in communion with God. If Jesus is not God, it's like speaking to a very great saint, but that's all.
In this case, do not take the words literally or minimalist, as does Frederic Lenoir. When we say that Jesus is the "face" of God or his Son, or Lord, the theologian who is aware of the scope of biblical language known by the whole context of metaphor that is the true divinity of Jesus. This statement raises the paradox of thinking what is absolute even within what is contingent.

* Their latest books:
- How Jesus became God, Frederic Lenoir, Fayard, 19,90 €.
- Christ, Lord and Son of God. Free response to Frederic Lenoir, Bernard Sesboüé, Lethielleux, 13 €.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

South Park Streaming Sottotitoli

No comments - N°52

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Presaria V6000 Windwos 7 Driver

Chambre Verte - Blake Edwards

I'm little film buff or at least if I was one day it has been a passing fad, the fad of young aimless, unemployed, moreover, who spent his time and thought to find happiness - the truth ? - The cinema. In this short time of this "instant film buff, it only remains for me very much, vague memories and a fluctuating interest for a few filmmakers. Blake Edwards was them, I loved her true delicacy (sometimes hidden) ethyl elegance, humor suffused her burlesque sophisticated ... That he died tragically less than his friend Richard Quine, but he died anyway, and I must admit though I have never been far away from my "instant film buff I was, by cons, moved by the news of his death there. To console myself, I allowed myself to sink into good drinking a cocktail artfully composed, I listened, remembering Henry Mancini Peter Sellers, Audrey Hepburn and Claudine Longet (ah Claudine). There ...

In tribute, let me reproduce a long interview positivist. Knowing that I have no authorization to do so, I delete it if positivists ask me, it would be a pity, but I will have the flexibility to bend me to their legitimate demands.

Interview with Blake Edwards
Interview with Blake Edwards (continued)

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Bombadier Electric Car

Chambre Verte - Don Van Vliet

Legend has it that his voice was destroying the microphones, the legend says that while recording Trout Mask Replica he had locked himself in a room and the musicians followed him to improvise in another. The legend says frightened by his own voice he demanded the presence of a surgeon to treat trees that were likely to suffer and even collapse. The legend says a lot about Don Van Vliet Child ... prodigal he had conceived the project rather odd to sculpt "all the birds, all fish of the sea, all animals of the earth" as if by magic ... Then Frank Zappa had been there, they just stew it had left, he had his sax with zigoto, sang blues filtered by Albert Ayler and Eric Dolphy, recorded albums dicey and other more centrist ... and finally the music business was not too his thing then he had retired into the desert, there lived in a caravan, he painted "all the birds, all fish of the sea, all animals of the earth . There was disease, slow, insidious, and that death discreet, polite ... for a little one would have thought that the desert was going to stop advancing ...

PS He and Blake Edwards, in two days is a little too ...

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hair Color And Roseacea


In the Name of Allah, All-Mercy, the Merciful.

Just a thrill to rekindle the embers of the Crusades.
the shelter of the bushes, getting ready the past ambushes.
Launched in unison, like heaven, a rain of grenades.
our flags, we hoist Al-Aqsa will be our embassy.

The eternal habitations, the Hour, peaceful walks.
Heat fraternal smiles, hugs intense.
These are the wolves that howl to death that bombards our homes.
Looking down walls of a nation ill.

Song of Victory in the melody shootings.
With their own bodies, we will draw our barricades.
Make the sun shine again in the days of Umayyads.
crowns will be accountable for the fate of the tribes. Puppets and marionettes

, role plays and masquerades fatal.
blood of those suffering we repeindrons their white facades.
Demons took us in their arms, in free braces.
Supporters of Tawhid, passing, merely as nomads.

: Abu-Hind 2010::

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Where Can I Buy Anbesol

:: WHEN SHE CAME ... ::

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

Go sudden and unforeseen
Silent, like the morning breeze, She snatched
to worldly pleasures,
And sooner or later she would have reached.

Without compassion, she came to pick me up, demolish
And my future plans,
It was pointless to try to escape,
She only came to see me die.

And my soul, which leaves me slowly
This shroud to last garment.
my actions that I stick to the skin
With me to my place of rest.

I could make my farewells,
When she came, so sharp and so cold.
Ending my long walks;
Turning off the light of my eyes.

carrying me, like every soul that dies, depriving elected
me of my heart, I do
not see me cry,
When I go to face my mistakes.

is the grave, my garden, my hell,
Separated from my property, my brothers.
How can you be so proud You
whose beds are made of earth?

From our ashes we come to be reborn, our early ancestors
That day when we will appear,
Differentiate piles and traitors.

My prayers, my secrets, my destiny,
My time here on earth ending.
When she came, unconfined or remorse
was alive, I was no longer a death.

: Abu-Hind 2010::

Little White Worms On Cat Butt

Johnny Dowd - Wake Up The Snakes (2010)

Johnny Dowd is a funny zigue, an ex-GI converted into the song that expected age advanced from 49 years to publish his first solo effusions (the impeccable Wrong Side of Memphis in 1998). He has been a good shovelful album equally commendable as each other. One could say that Johnny where he is a bit hit and full of widgets worrying him hang in the noggin. A kind of Roky Erickson Syd Barrett or who would sing with the gritty voice of Tom Waits or Don Van Vliet. A schizophrenic vaguely gothic country would have enough to worry the average (the average person is very wrong not to let worry). His new disc might be quieter, it is nevertheless still quite schizophrenic and often very good, it's a good album of old miser with horrific organ and voice "soaked in bourbon. Johnny is healthy enough, he sings with a girl on (Kim Sherwood) and it sounds like an unlikely couple sing in the waiting room of a funeral home (you'd also sing a Lee a little crazy and Nancy, who had lost his boots). There are pinioned blues, mambo and glaucous, soul stiff and garage rock fuzz on wetlands. Stories of Johnny still claims: morons white trash, hillbilly and my left hand doing odd things, there's cannibalism, a killer on the road, men and women who agonize that end badly ... So that's sticky, nothing but tacky, tacky but the languid and imperturbable Poppa's sticky like snake crazy fast digestive nap in the middle of the swamp. That is good, listen.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Viral Infections And Bradycardia


In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

Enemies in the Wrong, like wild beasts in the arena, plunged.
Those who are important in Islam their foreign practices.
Enemies who utter Allah on untrue statements.
Rise up as opponents of the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet.

The enemy of my enemy is not my friend.
Because both are equal before the crimes and blasphemies.
How can they dream of Hours and lush gardens?
They have cursed the Companions and the Mother of Believers.

Those who fought and insulted the righteous caliphs.
And others, murderers of prophets sent to the Hebrews. You will combine
you then face the plague to cholera?
Will you therefore call for the vermin to hunt rats? To combat

pigs, will you build an army of beggars?
Can you strangle the serpent with its tail?
From Persia to Judea, seeds of hate are dotted. As if the
blood they have shed will never dry.

They seized Iraq into a bastion of death.
And the doves of peace they have cast their spells.
And their "party of Allah" is the devil's worthy heir.
By Allah, facing them, we felt no pity.

: Abu-Hind 2010::

Friday, December 3, 2010

6co2 6h2o C6h12o6 6o2

Chambre Verte - Peter « Sleazy » Christopherson

Thursday, December 2, 2010

A Peace Sign With Alt

: Muhajir:

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

The mills of the country have vanished dreams and dreams.
But the presence of man on Earth will sooner or later. From
scourge of sin the righteous have already exited.
On lands of Satan, to vicious temptations elongated.

For the Lord of the Worlds, they made their way to pile horizons.
survive! Armed with the unique provision for piety.
Aliens in our land, buried under flowers orange. For goods
ephemeral, I put my faith in danger. Spring Landscape

campaigns and soft pastures.
Prejudice local people can promote.
They are no longer the mystery of their dreams see us in hell.
They declared war on me, and my own land bury me.

Of those who are hated, hated in their own country.
Of those that are banned for having to obey Allah.
I leave my country and my fault that my heart, trapped.
And without looking back, to Allah, I will take refuge.

I am the threat of the territory and their worst enemy. And I'll carry my
hopes in deserts blessed.
I fear and terror the throats of Islamophobic. I'll put my heart
in a haven on the earth's surface.

Exiled like a lion lonely rejected by his clan.
I will not cry my country but my brothers in white heart.
prohibitions of Allah, I want to escape forever.
The country that gave birth to me today, I was denied.

And how many of our minarets could they be slaughtered?
We donate their property to see us become idolaters.
Our full veil is screened and become ragged.
For rabies, so we are targeted wherever we go.

What you have done for our dead you desecrate their graves?
faults of our country will never be our burden.
I am filled with dreams of walking subsided into exile.
It is as if the demons had taken my heart for safe haven.

I saw the Republic try to submit my soul. Demonizing
mine itself and appoint our imams.
Distort the belief of the ancients and us away.
And the worst of us, with her, went to testify.

I was his beloved, she loved me once;
My land rejected me when Allah made me love the Faith.
It divides the Nation in my begging for it like him. But our
emigration is towards religion that brings.

Where are the Ansar whom we welcome with open arms?
If our bodies are intact, our hearts have truly suffered.
We turn our backs on their luxury, comfort and splendor.
We reach the venue of the peace, and the Earth is so vast.

Passions possess me, and my heart, little by little, they nibble.
Face of death in the eyes of my compatriots.
too long of those being mocked, and those that denigrate. From
persistent sin and my people, today I emigrate.

Abu Hind 2010.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Plant Cell From Candy

Psychogeographie indoor (19)


night falls early this does not tell me anything good. I cut my left thumb and right ring finger. The dressing I put on my left thumb does not hold, the one I landed on my right ring is too small. All these problems are beyond words. Yes definitely
November night is here too soon, a mixture of metallic blue with clouds ochres on the horizon, the rain falls like mercury and when the sirens wake incongruous announcing a new fire in the distance, there is much left to do, we remain in a park surrounded by trees, the expected True night, alone, dark night. We remain in a park or we go home. There are always tricky things to do at home. See for example, read and forget the company's "people" to remember the books we have read, remember that one of the countries surveyed in the books and even imagine yourself outside of books.

Look for the memories here are some fragments - not refined - my month of July:

July 19 .- Prague. Cool. The "interior" still warm it is quite possible that a storm has passed before my arrival. Antiquated airport. Seen a Trabant. Beautiful cobblestone streets, restored façades. Hotel near downtown. Nothing to report.

July 20 .- Prague. Nice warm weather. Covered in late afternoon. The "Castle" is a kind of Kremlin improved, a "Forbidden City" and less moist. Overcrowded tourist the truck is near, far Kafka. The guard is raised on a curious music peplum made of brass, the tourist is happy ... One must leave the main trails to find picturesque streets, tourist without tourists. Beautiful baroque buildings, fine Renaissance palaces, beautiful fountains and beautiful stones - Prague is very fortunate not to have been destroyed during the Second World War - Walking down the "Castle" (at Chaval) we found almost by chance before the Wall Kampa, it is somewhat forgotten, laid in front of the Embassy of France, yet it is on this wall that young girl uses unwind in moult scribbling graffiti in praise of decadent Western culture. It was, and above all, a kind of "Chamber Green built in memory of John Lennon, a wall is a room ... Graffiti moving pictures pasted on the wall, a strange altar.
A little later, two hundred yards away, there is the Charles Bridge, tourist mecca, Montmartre on stilts with sellers of trinkets galore and cartoonists. Overcrowding disturbing the agoraphobic in its tunnel at him, remain a bit out while being there.

July 21 .- Prague. Nice warm weather. I found a way not to pick me Kafka's grave when it was one of the primary goals of my short stay Prague. It is buried in the new Jewish cemetery, I'm past that before the old one. I think this visit is not more of the unspoken than anything else. For cons, I saw the sober monument in memory of Ian Palach, it stands on one end of Wenceslas Square to the National Museum at the spot where Palach immolated himself by fire in 1968 . For the rest, visit the old town, its central place, its mechanical clock, the school where Kafka studied for a while ... The Jewish Quarter that Hitler wanted to become "a Jewish museum." Further the Municipal House: Art Nouveau building magnificent partly decorated by Alfons Mucha - in its depths the American bar where Hemingway got drunk more than turn -. Market about ten kilometers in the city center. Swarming tourist uninterrupted, between Paris in July and "Highway of the Sun" in mid-August. To see the real Czech, I had to depart from several hundred meters to find myself in a real street shopping, a street where the native was very nice and short skirts who overcame many tempting thighs alerts. Unfortunately (or not, the night life here seems close to nothing), I leave Prague tomorrow.

July 22 .- Vienna. Heavy weather, 36 degrees. Left Prague for Vienna. Visited a castle on the road (Hulboka). Bad first impression, old Austrian, surely old Nazi, playing bowling in a smoky roadhouse. Vienna at the moment I saw that the second belt, pretty hideous it must be said.

July 23 .- Vienna. 35 °. Visited the gardens of the Belvedere, there was a bulldozer instead of the basins. Toured the Ring "inside" foot. I then went through the Hofburg castle at the spot where Hitler's Anschluss pronounced en 1938. Curieuse sensation, malaise… Un peu plus loin, l’église des Augustins : le cœur de l’aiglon y est enterré — ses intestins sont eux enterrés dans la Cathédrale St Étienne, ses cendres ont été rapatriées vers Paris en 1940, sur ordre d’Hitler —, c’est aussi dans cette église que François-Joseph épousa la fameuse Sissi. Visité la Bibiliotheque Nationale. Huit millions de volumes. Il y avait plus de gardiens au verboten guttural que de bibliothécaire en blouse bleue (un seul !). De loin j’ai cru distinguer les mémoires de Saint-Simon. Plus tard, le vrai centre-ville, autour de la Cathédrale St Étienne… Flux touristique, but reasonable. Outside the cathedral and a few buildings in Vienna is a city that seems not to have existed before the 18th century. No old streets, not "feeling reborn" is a modern city, designed by architects such as an artificial city where one feels that roam Klimt, Schiele, Freud, Mozart and Beethoven ... they are in air. Returning to the Ring I found myself in front of the Palace of the Secession, beautiful cake Modern Art. It is in its interior and on its walls that Klimt painted the Ninth Symphony of Beethoven. Returned to my hotel on the outskirts.

July 23 .- Budapest. Time almost cool. Lots of wind. Left Vienna by visiting the Chateau de Versailles Austrian Schonbrun so not worth the original. Finally, I suppose, having never been to Versailles ... tourist flows.
Road Vienna, Budapest: The border is an area open to the winds. Where once the dissident risked his life, there is only empty space with border crossings ghostly ... The Turks in Germany on the road to Istanbul, bourgeois bohemians on the Lake Balaton Gypsies suspects carrying suspicious vehicles on suspicious trailers (well according to the Hungarians). Arrived Budapest. Capital to the decrepit splendor. The grass grows on the sidewalks and where one feels even Marxism-Leninism lapped. Toured the Parliament that resembles a Westminster not swallowed.

July 24 .- Budapest. Downpour. A small 19 °, while according to my informants it was 42 degrees before yesterday. This perhaps explains the misters that dot the streets. Later the famous public baths. The water "is" 35 degrees, I did not bathed since I was already wet from the storm. Redone a turn towards the parliament, some bullet-riddled buildings, survival of 1956 and the uprising. The Hungarians have decided to leave traces of it all in memory. On the other bank of the Danube, the Buda hills, real historical center: streets "typical" cathedral and a monument to kitsch: the fish market ... A few bullet holes. Reasonable flow of tourists. Yesterday evening session Psychogeography: random drift, I passed the beautiful Eiffel station. Two, three fast food later I came to a "wall shot" (shot a photo of each inset, the wall was very long.) Then I lost it voluntarily, the streets were not especially moving for a Saturday night some drunken youths, two three gazelles gracilis thigh ... I went along the railway.

starting tomorrow: Zurich and Lyon.


So I can not stand the company of "people" notice that I can not stand either my own company, the only company I support is that of books. Finally, it is rather the ones who support me while I am unbearable ... I happen to look through, hoping that they wish me well when I did all that the world does not want Me ...

That August, in pieces:

Aug. 3 .- Time reasonably changing, circumspect and temperate. A fly just pass me over the head.
I am somewhat indecisive, I even think I'm the type of ambition cripple the least that I know. That may be a problem. I am also committed so little that my lack of commitment to me will fall well above one day.
Larbaud. Milan. Superiority of the Italian cities on the French cities. Larbaud was a true European in the right direction (the non-economic) he lived in Paris, Vichy, south of Spain and London he wrote ... French, English, English and Italian sometimes in German or Portuguese (but not in Dutch). It was not too nationalist and even was defined as "cosmopolitan patriot" (in Barnabooth).
Other European Writers in the right direction: Pessoa, WG Sebald, Claudio Magris and then the whole gang Mitteleuropa (the list is long).
Regarding European sense of the bad (economic) Godard's recent spin around Europe and its transmigration from coal and steel seems to be a compelling spin.

August 7 .- wonderful time. IKB sky. Heat moderate. Also in the Journal of Larbaud, between Annecy and Corfu. Larbaud about half of Rome without irony, without the tone from the top down to own many writers 'abroad'. Overseas Larbaud is always at his English in Spain, London in London, Italian in Italy, Paris in Paris ... It is also far from the tourist who swallows everything in a week, free of social obligations, he can afford to stay where he is at leisure, he listens while the city, like music. Beautiful pages on the fumes of Vesuvius Naples, Sorrento snow on Naples ... but fascism. Larbaud is fascism "Nice" it is only hindered by the law enforcement and emergency laws, her achievements seem almost any remarkable social aspects and perceived moral cleanliness, severe punishments for people who litter the urinals and firms of ease that is all very well, he would even impose a sentence of six months in prison for the "bastards" who spit on the tram! For the first time Larbaud seems to be wrong, or at least not in his element in politics. Obviously when we see fascism as a paragon of civility, good manners and cleanliness ... A little pecked at Georges Picard.

August 8 .- Time variable. More clouds than blue. Comfortable temperature. Tried to photograph some beautiful passing clouds, but in vain. Major weakness of digital photography. Larbaud: Finish the Journal of Chambery Corfu. Larbaud is delighted to young fascist uniforms, their hats with pompoms.
"But nine times out of ten it is noted that where" the stamps do not stick well, "invariably the roads are poorly maintained, late trains, utilities badly made, badly behaved children - and the government weak or corrupt. "
Lu Istanbul in 1890 Loti. Overall incidental but interesting moments: Istanbul as a city winter and rainy so the other Venice, where gondolas would be replaced by caique. Boorishness tourists and especially the French (already!):
"The French cheeky, who complain of ill-paved streets that do see the bazaar that spread from Paris a few items here and there, and tended to believe that all these old turbaned merchants, squatting in niches, are bringing their rugs Bon Marché or the Louvre ... "
finish by two chronic Vialatte, one on the sidewalk, the other on the plains. The delight was there.

August 12 .- Time heavy and gray morning. Blue sec later. The time taken to live in society has always taken time to read. So for a week that had a "social life" normalized I read almost anything. The gap is there, lurking.

August 13 .- Time mixed: aoûtien. Day soft and insidious that I seem to have wasted my time more than anything else.
This morning chronicle Vialatte. This afternoon a chapter of the memoirs of Casanova and a walk Remy Gourmont philosophical. The walk was very good, there was talk of this science phytognomonie seeking similarities between plants and human bodies, their mutual affection and their respective behaviors, extending even compared to animals, minerals, metals ...

August 20 .- morning thunderstorm. Afternoon heavy and moist as a jog around the Mekong Delta. August is a problem. August we wants it. Read without pleasure a chapter of Seven Pillars (it is quite possible that I will soon leave his choir Lawrence sand and camels.) A little hypocritical with myself I did not take any risk by linking two chronic Vialatte (who never disappoints.) The first spoke of rivers, the second food. We note that the water of the Seine and killed the accountant feels that in wartime the peel is more nutritious than the fruit.

"A small dining room with a cabinet made Brittany and Normandy few Provencal tiles, as folklore has no country ..."

To "finish" toured the new Ikea catalog, nothing special it is big ... Oh yes! I forgot, a lizard fell in the yard ...

August 21 .- Unexpected return of hot weather. I left Lawrence in the desert with its sand, camels its pillars and Arab youths with wriggling body. What do you, despite two three bursts, all bored. I will continue year in, year out and alternate between Larbaud, Loti, and Gourmont Vialatte. I will only add to the moment the Pseudodoxia Epidemic Thomas Brown that I start and who seems to be a fairly Pretties (although hard to read.)

August 23 .- Wetness mekongaise. Time sticky, gooey, slimy, sticky and frankly unbearable. Moodiness.
Thomas Browne, Pseudodoxia Epidemic: I begin this reading at first a little complicated, but brilliant ... Browne stalking the "conventional wisdom", "the generally accepted ideas, the task is so tough that tracks changes in encyclopedia. It begins with Adam and Eve, you say. We will say that Browne is a primary Flaubert (in terms of stupidity and ways to identify all forms).

August 27 .- Beautiful sunny morning. Wind and gray in the afternoon. The storm threatens. August "ending" rode. Soft Day and unnecessary. These days when you look forward all the time in not being fed. I stayed like a pile listlessness fortuitous set on a mound. Nevertheless, some good recipes stolen from Thomas Browne: The drops of Albert the Great, who turns you into nyctalopic you see at night and at night you see the show (he must drink the drops, the broth is filthy). We obtain the same effect by boiling the right eye of a hedgehog in a large bath of oil, once the mixture is cooled bravely swallows it all and suddenly it's day night! In terms of scorpion stings just sit on a donkey, face to face tail, believe me the pain leaves the man and goes straight into the beast. All you need is a donkey cooperative handy. In this day and age this should not be harder to find a scorpion. Lu
chronicle Vialatte on the death of Jean Paulhan, so moving for a bit we weep.

The Nazis were very fond of animals that did not prevent them to kill all the dogs too white German Shepherd who came before them not kicked. The white German shepherd dog was too white to be German, too white for the Nazis, too white to hope barking at the foot of the towers! So after the tumult white German Shepherd has been surviving Swiss! He reappeared Swiss! White, milky, magnificent, and Swiss! Although rare it is sometimes the guy is a balanced and cautious dog, distinguished even when it's small begonias need about the neighbor. In short a beautiful dog away from his cousin bastardized German ... Tomorrow we will discuss the Czechoslovakian wolf dog, the dog-resistant.


Having traveled a bit, I think my real country is a curved line, a curved line - largely dense - that might be drawn from Bordeaux to Prague, a curve that would pass through Gueret, Lyon, Milan, Venice, Vienna, Budapest ... I am of this curve is more than a country which I do nothing if this is a tense boredom ...

"September ... November ... And precious few "thesis

days I'll Spend With You. Thesis
precious days I'll
Spend With You. "

September 4 .-
Rain. Beautiful summer day ending with its advantages and disadvantages: good heat and cool not far off too fast down a sun and a quick night to fall.
Claudio Magris: Danube ... the moment and after a hundred pages it's very good book from a cultivated mind: sebaldien to be honest ... It starts with the sources of the Danube, so the sources of Danube! The two sources of the Danube! A simple tap or a wet meadow that self moisture feeds?! The two hypothetical sources are separated by a few kilometers and it is unclear which of the pre-or tap a source first.
Further magnifying the Danube in Sigmaringen you end up with Celine, with Lucette, with Bebert and Le Vigan ... Beautiful pages on the cracked Meudon incapable of feeling the concrete humanity of people he does not know directly. Celine struggling against abstractions, cliches of bladder; boxer to lose to want what comes out finally as himself. Celine forgotten human solidarity and compassion finally fevered shopkeeper himself. At Sigmaringen he has few bursts of humanity, but it often remains mesmerized by his ego and his ego is hell, hell under the rubble believe me! And Celine his shop inside his mouth and his hatred of the employee's word and function: an insult! While Pessoa, Kafka, Svevo, Walser ... Celine and Sigmaringen
Leaving behind him then turned Magris Neweklowsky Ernst, an engineer author of a treatise on the Danube Therefore, navigation and rafting on the Upper Danube : 2146 pages, five nine hundred pounds! A nice sum over 659 km between the tributary with the Iller and Vienna! It includes everything: the history of navigation since pre-Roman times, routes, the shape of boats, the characteristics and differences of the various tributaries, eddies and shallows, fords and passages, legends and superstitions related to the river, Tolls, poetry, songs, novels ... trips sovereigns, weather changes, wind, unforeseen accidents, the list of woes, non-fatal suicides and murders. Neweklowsky even mentions the penalty for the ship's cook who put too much salt in the soup! In short the work of a life here perfectly described by Magris. Strongly on!

September 5 .- Rain. Day Soft. Magris and the Danube, very well. Swabia this southern Germany. Mengele and evil, stupidity of Mengele. Regensburg ...

September 10 .- Time mixed. Chilly Cloudy. Later, a little warm on the cool laid. Magris and Danube. Mauthausen. Adorno error since there Primo Levi, (more ...) There are also Rudolf Höss and his autobiography, Commandant at Auschwitz , "narrative is objective, impartial" and I guess far more terrifying ... Stifter writer discovered; in one of his books The village heath humans seem relegated to the rank of objects, passive and dead things, to find themselves beyond the personal "in harmony with the mysterious being of inscrutable life "Cowper Powys rode, Cowper Powys is For the record ... there glutinous, I just discovered that Stifter hitherto completely unknown to me personally committed suicide after he cut his throat with a razor, I hope I do 'm not responsible for a bloody death if ... Then there Magris between the groves and meadows surrounding marshy Tulln. It was the area of this great naturalist Konrad Lorenz who was quack without even the Gentiles to see torches that them passing in the background doing the goose step. Distinction between humanist and naturalist: if the humanist is a chauvinist of the human the naturalist himself merely a cold scientific neutrality, sometimes with happiness, but often a false objectivity that sees not make any distinction between the policy of extermination of the Third Reich and the massacres of black rats made by brown rats during their invasion of Europe in the eighteenth century. Vienna
here soon, Magris Kierling it passes in this small village in a room of 187 of the Franz Kafka Hauptstrasse died June 3, 1924. The house is small, there are only two floors in the foyer are plastered various opinions, they know that the chimney passes on the first Monday of each month, it is forbidden chopping wood in the apartments and it is also illegal to carry large trunks down the stairs without written permission. The Archduke Otto

loved the Hotel Sacher to appear naked, wearing only a belt and a sword. Less charming, he would also intrude on horseback in the Jewish mourners. As soon as the slightest amount of anger crowd rightly offended, Archduke ordered the beating to his retinue. In short, Archduke Otto was a good depraved released. All this does not prevent a fall into line once the court reinstated there sheep in the flock, and powdered neutral, could be heard bleating.

September 12 .- Wind. Sun fleeing, I spent my day at the "stalk", because if the season is that it is there is still unacceptably low and therefore almost always hidden under a roof or under a tree.
Magris and Danube. Finally, it is not dwelled too much on Vienna (in every way does not cross the Danube, Vienna is truly built to oppose the flood of a river which it considers as an enemy). Dézinguage of Viennese Actionists "Iconoclasts classified as those students who become notaries bawdy "Magris saves Konrad Bayer (a true poet) Otherwise, the orgiaco-cybernético-clown is not worth much. Portrait of Sissi Empress somewhat zany as his cousin, Louis II, Sissi who wrote poems sometimes melodious, sometimes clumsy she was hiding and would consider entrusting anyone. Sissi androgynous and Republican ... And finally if Sissy was not so small, but real character of literary history? For the rest Freud, Joseph Roth, the Anschluss ...

September 18 .- Quasi freshness. Cold interferes, the cold is insidious.
I work because if I was not working I could not eat. I eat because if I did not eat I could not live. I live because I did not live so I would definitely not alive. The key is to find and feel pleasure in all this (including the difficulties of pleasure).
Magris, Danube ... Magris and Hungary ... The Pannonian this mosaic of peoples between Zagreb and Budapest. This plain made of dust, swamps, rotting leaves and bloody footprints, it is still Europe, but the east is lurking ... Miroslav Krleža the great writer of these places, it is Croatian in fact, but mostly Pannonian, Pannonian and mitteleuropéen ... Then
Budapest most beautiful city on the Danube. If imitation of Paris Haussmann Vienna, Budapest mimics the imitation (mimesis of mimesis) with a Platonic sense of poetry, his landscapes, urban planning, buildings suggest more than art, a sense of art. To be passed some weeks ago by Budapest I confirm the intuitions of Magris, it is a fictional city and floating, with a decrepit charm that seems to have accelerated since the melting of blocks (the Magris Danube in 1986, When he was still an issue block and freezing).

September 19 .- Rain. Cold interiors. Searched the sun to find it really might have been that I venture into the field.
Magris, Danube . Banat German planted this land almost in a beautiful blur between Serbia, Hungary and Romania. More precisely and more than German land with Swabian capital city Timisoara .. The Banat Germans were severely abused in the immediate postwar collectively deported to Russia. Everything is told in a novel by Arnold Hauser: The problem report Joseph Buhlmamn (Banat is a land of writers, like other land fuzzy: Bukovina ...)

The Romanian-German lives in a state of disorientation, of duality and identity crisis. Yet when he chose exile and managed to emigrate to Germany he finds himself in a country so different from his that he feels so dull that nostalgia is also the real Germany, she stayed there between Danube and the Carpathians ... As Rolf Bossert, Romanian-German poet, free, exile and committed suicide soon (never forget that Magris wrote it all in 1986, the blocks are not yet thawed). Read: Lowlands Hermann Muller (Bernhard, Handke, Innerhofer ...) then a little away Magris Danube to locate other German speaking them, in Transylvania in Kronstadt (Brasov).

September 21. Freshness morning. Hidden sun. Magris, Danube. Celan and Czernowitz, capital of Czernowitz in Bukovina, a Babel that no longer exists ... Celan expressed the truth of the disappearance of his death and silence that is around. Celan and the Holocaust, Celan at the edge of silence, defeated, giving up, disappearing into the waters of the Seine, where he finds a death he had sought:
"I am the light behind me."
Another fluctuating Bucovina Robert Flinker, a psychiatrist and writer more Kafkaesque than my left hand, writer - German - novels foggy or obscure offenses are tried in courts mysterious enigmatic at trial. Flinker despite its disturbing and original taste of home that Franz left behind. Flinker who was Jewish and had lived in hiding during the Nazi occupation, and once free he committed suicide in 1945, not by fear of Stalinism, but rather by love

"When you are tired of life, we choose to release them until unconscious and indirect means, such as heart attacks or cancer. So why not a heartache? Unable to proceed immediately to act and commit suicide immediately identified with the freedom Stalin Flinker may have needed an intermediary and thus he found any girl who is capable of give the boost it needed "

September 25 .- Rain. Autumn is passed over the summer. Magris, Danube. Bulgaria-Romania, this little Dodge Vienna, its ocher houses, large parks, boulevards Hausmann, even the imitation of an imitation ... Dodge City of Elias Canetti (read his auto-da-Fé). Then Bucharest "Paris of the Balkans" ... Bucharest market Lipscani: pastries smelly and bras that seem to function. Cioran the prodigal son in this market ... Bucharest and other writers that Caragiale Labiche Romanian Ionesco keatonien his face is his masterpiece, and then all the rest Dada: Tristan Tzara, of course, but also the suicide Urmuz, Virgil Teodorescu, who wrote in a language he had invented leopard "Sobros Algoa Doovy Fourod Woo Oon Toe Negaru ..."

Magris Ceausescu meeting.

Tomorrow is the delta, the book is finished I will be commencing the new Houellebecq, the sequence may be tough.

September 26 .- Time gray, almost cold. Magris, Danube. Romania, Bucharest and Elias Canetti ... "Hiroshima" the neighborhood that Ceausescu had shaved for better build his palace. Braila and Panait Istrate, the "Gorky of the Balkans" and the Danube Delta, the end; Selina to the book is finished, it was very good. I do not know if it's a bad sign, but I fell asleep four After the first five pages of the new Houellebecq. It speaks of a dark history of plumbing - certainly exciting - but that does not stop me to find myself engrossed in my sofa and in such a hypnagogic state that I have thought three times pass away.

(The Danube by Claudio Magris also starts with a dark history of plumbing ... then ...)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Is Restasis Available In Canada

:: Turbans OF WAR:

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

It's as if they had entered the land in dying.
A walking tanks, the rate of their last moments.
Turbans are tight but the wounds of war run deep. And in hell
Afghan prayers and tears mingle.

They will never defeat: they will leave or they will perish.
From their fire, their blood, the armies of Allah, take hold.
And who will go will be haunted by this memory:
Muslims invincible once they manage to unite.

They sprayed villages of peaceful civilians.
Children playing, consumed by the blast of the missiles.
The turbans of the war, their troops will be deployed.
They will regret the violence they have used.

Innocent victims still echo with the screams. Our brothers
most intimate are so far from our eyes massacred.
Under the iron and fire, bombs and lead, they survive.
The light of love is that they will always be more intense. And

invaders burn in this hell Afghan. Winters were icy
hopes of victory in their camp. They will never
export their culture by force.
And every assault the nation of the Prophet is increasing.

Abu Hind 2010.

How Long Does Shoulder Pain In Ectopic

No comments - N°51

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Can You Use Baby's Toothpaste On Dog

Violens - Amoral (2010)

but I'm puzzled me first seised listen to this Amoral, I did hear that the promises of songs drowned out by riotous production, a small thing a little fashion store in its niche indie pop, while a niche aligned among many other niches. In short, I was ready to quickly forget a disk that had nothing to say to me and all ways I had nothing to expect from him. Everything was in the order of things is well ordered, I lived as best they could a few weeks ignoring it all: this Amoral, its production and its bombastic songs drowned ...

Yet one morning he was fine, but fresh, who knows why, I had the funny idea of wanting to listen to this disc. Hey! Well, just imagine that against all odds it turned out better than it seemed to me at first! Oh, this production was still painful, smart and willing to do its modern, lost in unnecessary convolutions of a mille-feuille of reverb, but to use the songs were there, drowned and less reaching to emerge from this sort of gruel reverberated. Under echo and affectations, then I discovered some fine melodies, their classic charm, the prettiness of a bass that turned and pinched. For a bit I thought I'd forgotten some groups of the mid-80: Lotus Eater, Pale Fountains , this well-groomed pop and more mysterious than it seems. Oddly, in addition to property combed already mentioned, I'm also in other supposedly more vigorous and heroic, I'm in epic U2! as before they took the idea to make things difficult but not wanting to save the world! Imagine the intriguing side of the case! Well I would not say that I had mastered this disc, but at least I saw, I think he, the simple qualities that freshness hidden these slopes and not worrying that the false heroism sneaky complexity. So
an album full of defects, defects of youth, but also qualities, no lightning, but the songs, it's something.

PS References to the game you can replace Lotus Eater by Zombies, the Pale Fountains by Love, U2 by U2 .

Monday, November 15, 2010

Plp For Matlab 7.3 Acme

: Xinjiang:

In the Name of Allah, the All-Mercy, the Most Merciful.

In the land of warriors and plains,
Swords cry tears of blood,
And the stakes are those who complain
That Allah, gentle and compassionate.

That Allah, the believers will spend.
promises lush gardens
The hopes of a triumph flamboyant
Pass by the crimes and massacres.

endurance can be achieved
What about entering the vaults of the Faith.
the footsteps of Silk Road
The lights are off for peace.

The lights of our beloved brothers,
the borders of China remote
The distance does not make us forget what we
your spears, your shields.

What we are witnessing helplessly
From the pain of our brothers humiliated
Where are the spears and shields? What
therefore become powerful?

Our silence has buried
Like the depths of oblivion.
One and a half billion warriors
Faced with whom do you think we bend?

Mosques silent Urumqi,
And the call to the priors censored. This is our United
they conquered
But their reign will not last. Do not drag

their reign
Iron and Faith we are having,
And in suffering we are united. Those who laugh will
those who bleed.

Those who bleed, those in Allah, love,
receiving the blows that strikes us.
Who could break our bonds of love ? Today
our wounds are Uighurs.

Abu Hind 2010.

Co Się Dzieje Z Ciałem Po śmierci

: THE roads leading to ... "

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

paths of innocent eyes become insults;
Comments complacent exchanged smiles we share.
And languid prose that reason in the hearts sinking. The perverse
to deposit their poison, and delay marriage.

paths where trees provide the passion fruit. From
look at the action, the step is taken, without making any noise. The paths of sin
borrowed under the veils of the night.
Then the tears will flow like the sky falling raindrops.

are many paths and roads leading to the scaffold. Mixed
of our brothers and sisters speculating in the wrong.
And heartily, they have fun, fuel their own fire.
soiled, then humiliated, one on the other, rejecting his faults. Who asks

adultery is a choice in its many roads.
Dressed, Naked, free under the heat of August.
Like a forbidden fruit just waiting what is the taste.
Girls demons by the hand, lead you to your flight.

These speeches so charming, and the terms employed by poets.
And faith is dying, retiring in your dark head-to-face.
paths are many but they lead to the same place: Hell
libertines, which will be preserved the pious.

thee They reached out, forgiveness and true repentance. The
you have disowned the benefit of your lower desires?
Your promises of marriage were as fatal lies. In
blood fornicator, you plunge your own actions.

Abu Hind 2010.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

How To Find Old Immunization Records For Ontario


In the Name of Allah, the All-Mercy, Mercy, the Most.

The noise of their chariots, like a hymn to death, do you hear? And you see
s'acharnent as monkeys and pigs who kill us?
They only kill the body, for the souls of the warriors are blessed.
For eons they will join the souls of virtue.

Our Faith purified only hope for a safe return.
Truth challenged and deflected by the traitors philosophers. The altered face
wisdoms and innocent hearts. The looks of horror
devils we pay the blood.

Allah is One: The partners made no. Our
Islamic kingdom hearts just to take the train one.
You turn away from the Lord who feeds and waters?
Have you seen anything so when you have achieved so much evidence?

Have you no heart to feel the peace of the Lord?
And you took the fear of death when the parade hours.
Every breath is a step towards the darkness of your graves.
On the battlefield, we will reduce your body to shreds. When

songs of the war, in the valleys, will be heard.
When people on Earth, this message will eventually understand. We have gone
: Deleted this ephemeral world.
His gold and jewels, its pleasures and temporary pleasures.

Abu Hind 2010.

Basic Flight Instruments Cockpit

No comments - N°50

Monday, November 8, 2010

Witches Of Eastwick Babies Walkers

Dane Donohue - Dane Donohue (1978)

Something "mustachioed ponytail" the smell of bleach dating pool, the remains of a line of cocaine lying on the edge of a municipal swimming pool more than Hockney; the evil cunning of musicians damn resourceful in comparison both Steely Dan are the Raincoats (or the Shaggs). It is the only disk Dan Donohue, do not ask me anything more about him, a sort of George Kaplan he seems to have once existed, but so little ... oh look carefully we discover that he participated in - hard - musical Jesus Christ Superstar , his only album was produced by Terence Boylan (Don Henley and Stevie Nicks to hum in the background), nothing more, nothing less, that's about enough ... At first glance all this does not inspire confidence, a ghostly singer this music too white, too smooth, these musicians too clever to be honest, this finish is too refined, this disc which could have everything from air-conditioned nightmare west-coast ... But Dane Donohue is sometimes better that what appears to be a little on the edges of jazz-rock bleach abhorred by everyone, rather posed next to Jackson Browne and the adult soft pop that is often listens with pleasure, knowing that there is nothing transcendent, not far from Doobie Brothers and their music valium centrist, in short, more in the middle of the road at the edge of the pool. We hear it all with a vague sense, a dull appetite, it will leave us invade almost empty, almost empty this will soon become a bottomless pit into which we must learn to live. There.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Wicker Chairs For Baby Shower


In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Passengers

this frivolous world,
Of these illusory dreams that fly,
Yet hopes are placed
In what will come to disappear.

Blinded by waves of hope
Lost in fits of madness.
Hopes devoured by death,
The morning despairing night.

The sun no longer hoping for the moon,
And the dreams buried beneath the dunes,
Since man strives to build
What will destroy his own hands.

no longer hoped for Prince Charming,
Who would soothe your troubles,
no longer expected: He will not,
The Pretender died in combat.

disemboweled, tortured and murdered,
His honor trampled by this life.
The Hereafter is better and more sure: Neither
fatigue or lethargy, or injury.

And how could you believe it?
This life on his throne, be seated.
His promises are lies lush, shimmering
His caresses, that plague us.

Its beauty, its lights, its mirages,
Te revealing her sweet face,
Temptress, when she speaks, she lie to you. And
lures you to its claws, slowly.

You see that lengthens those in their graves? Think
the day when our turn comes.
is that succumbs to the charms worldly.
Seduced by its pomp and finery.

Abu Hind 2010.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Kathy Van Zeeland Age

No comments - N°49

Monday, November 1, 2010

Alas Babylon Resolution

Remake / Remodel N°16

A Steinway, jukeboxes, Robert Johnson, who drive fast cars, girls tied, Bashung, a brushing the words ... Chris Bevilacqua is blue in Gonzales and that's fine ...

Meet the last of Bevilacqua

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Pre Menopause Symptoms

Servet and Castellon on Facebook

Facebook has become a space for dialogue and encounter unavoidable.

is why I created months ago already, two pages of free discussion in the spirit of this blog until the arrival of a real site, "Freedom of belief around Servet and Castellon.

Freedom of belief: # / pages/Liberte-de-croyance/122764217757159? Ref = ts

Around Sébastion Castellio : # / group.php? gid = 171353898245 & ref = ts

Tell us about your personal experiences, even without post comments newspaper articles that you have marked, share music or videos of your choice on the theme of freedom of conscience (political or religious) or finally everything your heart and your mind will dictate the course of freedom! Be

many to join us!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Russian Family Movies

The early Church taught it that God is a Trinity? Part Four: When and how the doctrine of the Trinity did it develop? The early Church

Article published in The Watchtower 01/08/1992

Image: The Council of Nicaea

The first three articles of this series showed that neither Jesus nor his disciples, nor the early Church Fathers have taught the doctrine of the Trinity (The Watchtower November 1, 1991, February 1 and April 1 1992). This article will explain how the doctrine of the Trinity has developed, and what role the Council of Nicaea, held in the year 325, has played in this area.
in the year 325 AD, the Roman Emperor Constantine convened a council in the city of Nicaea in Asia Minor. His intention was to settle a longstanding religious dispute which concerned the relationship of the Son of God Almighty. On the results of this council, we read in the Encyclopedia Britannica:
"It was Constantine who presided. He led an active discussion, and it was he who proposed the formula (...) capital that would express the relationship of Christ to God in the Creed adopted by the council, 'of the same substance [homoousios] that the Father' (...). Intimidated by the emperor, the bishops, with the exception of two, signed the creed, which many did gré1 their cons. "
The intervention of the chief pagan she was motivated by convictions based on Scripture? No. According to A Brief History of Christian Doctrine (German), "Constantine had virtually no understanding of the issues encountered grecque2 theology." This he understood, however, is that religious differences threatened the unity of his empire, and he wanted them to be resolved.
The doctrine of the Trinity was it established?
The Council of Nicaea he established or confirmed the Trinity as a doctrine of Christianity? Many people think. But the facts show he is different.
The Creed promulgated by this council has said concerning the Son of God, things that would allow various clerics consider it, somehow, as equal to God the Father. However, it is very interesting to see what is not in the Nicene Creed. Here, as it was presented at the time, the Creed in its entirety:
"We believe in one God, Father almighty, creator of things visible and invisible;
" And in one Lord Jesus Christ, Son God's only begotten of the Father, that is to say the substance of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, the same substance as the Father, by whom all things were created in heaven and on earth that came down from heaven for us and for our salvation became incarnate, became man, suffered, rose again the third day, ascended into heaven, and he will judge the living and the dead.
"And the Holy Esprit3."
According to this creed, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit they are one God in three persons? The three are they equal in eternity, power, position and wisdom? No. We find no formula indicating that three would be one. Originally, the Nicene Creed has neither established nor confirmed the Trinity.
At best, this creed is the Son equal with the Father in that it would be "same substance" as him. But it says nothing about such holy spirit. Everything he says is: "(...) We believe the Holy Spirit." We do not find here the doctrine of the Trinity taught by Christianity.
Even the term "same substance" (homoousios) does not necessarily mean that the council believed a numerical equality of the Father and the Son. We read in the New Catholic Encyclopedia (Eng.):
"It is doubtful that the council had intended to confirm digital identity of the substance of the Father and Fils4."
Even if the council had wanted to say that Father and the Son were numerically one, it still would not make a Trinity. It was a matter of God in two persons, not of God in three persons required by the doctrine of the Trinity.
"The view of a minority"
At Nicaea, the bishops as a whole they believed that the Son was equal to God? No, because there were divergent views. Thus, there was the current represented by Arius, who taught that the Son had a beginning and is not equal to God, but is subordinate in all. Athanasius, by cons believed that the Son is in some way equal to God. And there were still other designs. At
About the decision of the council to consider the Son to be the same substance (consubstantial) God, Martin Marty says: "Nice actually represented the views of a minority, and the agreement has not been without evil, it was unacceptable to many who were not arienne5 trend. "Similarly, the book selected Library of Nicene and postnicéens Fathers of the Christian Church (Eng.) noted that" a doctrinal position clearly articulated and contrary to Arianism was adopted by only a minority, but this emporté6 minority has. " In addition, we read in A Brief History of Christian Doctrine:
"What seemed particularly unacceptable amount of bishops and theologians oriental concept was introduced into the Creed by Constantine himself, the homoousios [ 'of the same substance] which, in the struggles that have later opposed orthodoxy and heresy, became the subject of désaccord7. "
After the council, the debate has continued for decades. Those would be considered as equal to the Son of God Almighty even for some time, was in disgrace. Thus, Martin Marty said of Athanasius: "His popularity is rising and then lowered, and he was exiled so often [in the years that followed the council] that he kept going and venir8." Athanasius spent years in exile because of political and religious leaders did not agree with his idea of a Son equal with God.
Therefore, it is not true to say that in 325 the Council of Nicaea established or confirmed the doctrine of the Trinity. Which later became the teaching of Trinity did not exist at the time. The concept that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are each God and are truly equal in eternity, power, position and wisdom, yet one God - one God in three persons - not was developed by the council or by the Fathers of the early Church. One can read in the Church of the first three centuries (Eng.):
"The doctrine of the Trinity which is widespread in our time (...) finds no support in the language of Justin and this observation may be extended to all the Fathers anténicéens; that is to say to all Christian writers for three centuries after the birth of Jesus. They speak, indeed, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit or prophetic, but not as co-equal, not as one numerical essence, not as Three in One, in any sense that the 'now recognize the Trinity. Exactly the opposite they do. The doctrine of the Trinity, as explained in the Fathers, was essentially different from the modern doctrine. What we say can be proved in the same way as any other fact owned the history of human ideas. "
" We challenge anyone to name one famous writer who, during the first three ages, have believed in the Trinity in the modern sense of term.9. "
Nicaea but represented a turning. This council has ensured that, later, formally accepted the idea of a Son equal to the Father, which paved the way for the concept of Trinity. Orthodoxy in the second century (Eng.), J. Buckley noted:
"At least until the late second century, the Church Universal has remained united in a fundamental sense: all accepted the supremacy the Father. All saw God the Father Almighty as the only Supreme Being, immutable, ineffable and without beginning. (...)
"Once these writers and religious leaders of the second century have disappeared, the Church has seen (...) slip imperceptibly but inexorably, to reach (...) at the Council of Nicaea, the culmination of this gradual erosion of the original faith. A minority are exalted his heresy imposed by a majority consent and, supported by the political authorities, has used pressure, intimidation or seduction to those who struggled to keep spotless the purity of their faith immaculée10. "

The Council of Constantinople in the year 381 the Council of Constantinople confirmed the Nicene Creed. And it added. He called the Holy Spirit "Lord (...) makes alive." The expanded that Creed was adopted in 381 (that is, in essence, that which is used today in churches and is called "Nicene Creed") shows that Christianity was about to formulate a dogma of the Trinity completed. Yet even this council is not finalized. Here's what the New Catholic Encyclopedia acknowledges:
"We note that 60 years after Nicaea I, the Council of Constantinople I [381] homoousios avoided in its definition of the divinity of the Holy Esprit11."
"The theologians are very surprised by this credo appears moderate in its expression, the Indeed, for example, that there is not the word used to describe a homoousios Holy Spirit who is consubstantial with the Father and the Fils12. "
The same Encyclopedia acknowledges that" homoousios does not appear in the Écriture13. No, the Bible does not use that word, she does not speak of the Holy Spirit or the Son as consubstantial with God. This is a non-biblical expression that led to the doctrine itself unbiblical, unscriptural or rather, Trinidad.
Even after Constantinople, it took centuries for the teaching of the Trinity is accepted throughout Christendom. New Catholic Encyclopedia says about this: "In the West, it seems that silence (...) General has welcomed and Constantinople I Credo14." This book shows that the Creed adopted at the Council has not been widely recognized in the West before the seventh or eighth century.
experts also admit that the Athanasian Creed, often cited as the benchmark for defining and defending the Trinity, was not written by Athanasius, but much later, by a stranger. Thus we read in the New Encyclopaedia Britannica:
"The Eastern Church had no knowledge of the symbol before the twelfth century. Since the seventeenth century, biblical scholars agree that this symbol is not due to Athanasius (d. 373), but it was probably written in the fifth century in southern France. (...) The influence of the symbol seems first to have felt, in the sixth and seventh centuries, in the southern France and Spain. The Church of Germany in the ninth century, and later that of Rome, integrated it with their liturgie15. "

How it developed the doctrine of the Trinity has been a slow development which spanned several centuries. Trinitarian ideas of Greek philosophers such as Plato, who lived several centuries before Christ, were gradually introduced in the teachings of the Church. We read in The Church of the first three centuries
"(...) We argue that the doctrine of the Trinity appeared gradually and relatively late, that its origin is totally alien to Jewish and Christian scriptures, it developed and was introduced into Christianity with the assistance of Fathers Platonists; at Justin's time and long after, the inferiority of the Son and the distinct nature were universally taught, and that the Trinity was then that state ébauche16. "
Before Plato, the triad, or trinity, were common in Babylon and Egypt. Also, in their efforts to attract unbelievers that had the Roman Empire, the clergy have come to incorporate some just some of these ideas to Christianity. Thus it has come to accept the belief that the Son and the Holy Spirit would be the equal of the Father.
He also took time for the word "Trinity" is accepted. In the second half of the second century, Theophilus, bishop of Antioch in Syria, who wrote in Greek, introduced the word trias, which meant "triad" or "trinity". Then, the Latin writer Tertullian, who lived in Carthage in North Africa, has made use of the word in his writings Trinitas, meaning "trinity." However, we find not the word trias in the Christian Greek Scriptures, written under divine inspiration, and the word Trinity does not appear in the Latin translation of the Bible called the Vulgate. Neither of these expressions is the Bible. However, the word "Trinity", derived from pagan concepts, was introduced in ecclesiastical literature, and after the fourth century, it has come to be part of the dogma of the churches.
Thus, we can not say that Bible scholars have examined in depth to see if there was taught the Trinity. Rather, the political as well as that of the Church that states, which has largely shaped this doctrine. In Christian tradition (Eng.), Jaroslav Pelikan points out "the factors of the debate are not of theology, many of whom have repeatedly appeared close to determine its outcome, but there were forces equivalent to were counterbalanced. This doctrine often seemed to be the victim, or the proceeds of the policy of the Church and conflicts personnalité17. Washburn Hopkins, Yale professor, wrote about it: "The orthodox definition of the Trinity who eventually won was mostly the result of political concerns Église18."
How the doctrine of the Trinity is unreasonable when compared to simple biblical teaching that God is supreme and has no equal! As God says, "to which you assimilate, or do you provide equal, or compare me up, so we were like? - Isaiah 46:5. What she has shown

What represented the progressive development of the Trinitarian idea? One aspect of the abandonment of true Christianity that Jesus had said (Matthew 13:24-43). The apostle Paul also spoke of the apostasy to come:
"A time will come when people will not endure sound doctrine, but rather according to their passions and itching ears, they give teachers in quantity and ears away from truth and turn to fables. "- 2 Timothy 4:3, 4, Jerusalem, Catholic version.
teaching of the Trinity is one of those fables. But the number of foreign Christian fables, which have also developed gradually include the inherent immortality of the human soul, purgatory, limbo and the eternal torments of hell fire.
What, then, that the doctrine of the Trinity? It is a pagan doctrine disguised as Christian teaching. It was launched by Satan to deceive people, so they have a confused idea of God and mysterious. As a result, they are willing to accept other false religious concepts and other evil practices.
"by their fruits" Matthew 7:15-19 In
, Jesus said that we could distinguish the false from the true religion in this way:
"Be on your guard with the false prophets which come to you in clothes sheep, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. In their fruits ye shall know them. Do we pick grapes from thorns or figs of thistles? Likewise every good tree produces good fruit, but every rotten tree produces worthless fruit. (...) Every tree that does not produce good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. "
Consider an example. In John 13:35, Jesus said: "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves." Similarly, in 1 John 4:20 and 21, we read in the Word of God
"If someone says 'I love God' but hates his brother is a liar. Indeed, the who does not love his brother whom he has seen can not love God whom he has not seen. And here is the command we have from him: that he who loveth God love his brother also. "
apply this fundamental principle that true Christians should have love between them, what happened during the two world wars of the twentieth century and in other conflicts. Practitioners of the same religion of Christianity clashed on the battlefields and were massacred because of nationalist disputes. Each side claimed to be a Christian and was supported by members of his clergy, who said that God was on their side. The massacre of "Christians" by other "Christians" is a rotten fruit. It is a violation of Christian love, a negation of God's laws. - See also 1 John 3:10-12.
One day he will be accountable
Thus, the abandonment of Christianity was not the only consequence of the introduction of ungodly beliefs, such as the doctrine of the Trinity: it also leads to unholy practices. However, one day will come when he will be accountable, because Jesus said: "Every tree that does not produce good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire." That is why we read this exhortation in the Word of God:
"Get out of her [the false religion], my people, if you do not want to participate with her in her sins, and if you do not want to receive a share of his wounds. For her sins are piled up to heaven, and God has remembered her acts of injustice. "- Revelation 18:4, 5.
Soon, God 'will in the heart' of the political thought of turning against the false religion. They "make the (...) devastated and eat her flesh, and burn it with fire, completely." (Revelation 17:16, 17.) False religion and its pagan conceptions of God will be destroyed forever. Yes, God will say to the practitioners of false religion as Jesus said in his day: "Your home is abandoned." - Matthew 23:38.
True religion will survive the judgments of God, so that eventually all honor and glory be rendered to the one Jesus called "the one true God." It is mentioned by the Psalmist when he said: "You, whose name is Jehovah, you are, you alone, Most High over all the earth." - John 17:3, Psalm 83:18.
1. Encyclopædia Britannica, 1971, Volume 6, page 386.
2. Epochen der Dogmengeschichte Bernhard Lohse, according to the English translation of Ernest Stoeffler, 1963, page 51.
3. History of councils, Charles Joseph Hefele, Volume I, Part I, page 445.
4. New Catholic Encyclopedia, 1967, Volume VII, page 115.
5. A Short History of Christianity, Martin Marty, 1959, page 91.
6. A Select Library of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, Philip Schaff and Henry Wace, 1892, Volume IV, page xvii.
7. Epochen der Dogmengeschichte, page 53.
8. A Short History of Christianity, page 91.
9. The Church of the First Three Centuries, Alvan Lamson, 1869, pages 75, 76, 341.
10. Second Century Orthodoxy, J. Buckley, 1978, pages 114, 115.
11. New Catholic Encyclopedia, 1967, volume VII, page 115.
12. Ibid. volume IV, page 436.
13. Ibid. page 251.
14. Ibid. page 436.
15. The New Encyclopædia Britannica, 1985, 15e édition, Micropædia, volume 1, page 665.
16. The Church of the First Three Centuries, page 52.
17. The Christian Tradition, Jaroslav Pelikan, 1971, page 173.
18. Origin and Evolution of Religion, Washburn Hopkins, 1923, page 339.
Pour de plus amples renseignements, consulter la brochure Doit-on croire à la Trinité? published by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc..
As shown in previous articles in this series, although these words were used by Theophilus and Tertullian, they did not refer to the Trinity taught by Christianity Today.