Sunday, January 30, 2011

Does A Gps Have Parts

Fred BLANCHARD, Fred Duval and Jean-Pierre Pécau, Day J, Volume 3: September Rouge, Paris, Delcourt 2010, 48 p.

Presentation Editor: September 12, 1914. Germany won the decisive battle of the Marne in applying through the invasion plan Schlieffen . On January 9, 1915, French President Poincaré sign the armistice. Refusing the surrender, the Tiger, Clemenceau, supported by his old mobile brigades, left France. With the support of the French fleet, he won Algiers where he organized resistance.

is the third book in the series D-Day in Delcourt, whose second had caught my attention (alternate history of the Cold War, Paris: Soviet sector ). This time, the theme of alternate history is the Great War with a German victory over France in 1914. Well, almost: if the metropolitan area has fallen, this is not the case of colonies, where Clemenceau out of retirement continues to fight, like a De Gaulle in London, with the support of part of the French fleet survivor of the disaster. The Germans installed a monarchy in France to their boots with the offspring of the branch Orleanist. The plot, which grows here on two volumes (Volume 4 is also published in November 2010), revolves around the problem the possible negotiation of Czarist Russia with Germany of Wilhelm II that Clemenceau has obviously prevented. Hence the use of a former Tiger Brigades mobilized in Algeria by the Tigris, the Commissioner Blondin, loaded with his worst enemy, Jules Bonnot , from the Chateau d'If, where he languished since its pseudo-liquidation in 1912, to go help the Russian revolutionaries to bring down Nicolas II ... Occasionally, too, in this first volume, to meet other characters known as the ace French R ené Fonck and his opponent Red Baron, Manfred von Richthofen ...

The big highlight of this volume is undoubtedly scenario, much better built than the Volume 1, for example, and clearly a notch above that of Volume 2. As the story spans two volumes, the scenario has a bit more time to unfold, and it's not worse. Indulgence in contrast compared to Volume 2: uchronic the world is less penetrating , and the authors have worked a little less, there are fewer references in 48 pages too. One has only to compare accounts of events in the two volumes uchronic to realize. The design, meanwhile, is slightly less powerful . Some references are given at end of volume, as volume 2. To follow, therefore, in the 4 to see if the couple in the series and works well if some defects are slightly corrected.


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