Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What Type Of Doctor Treats Ischial Bursitis

West (The Undefeated) Andrew McLaglen (1969)

1865. Colonel John Henry Thomas northerner attack with his cavalry unit of the Confederate infantry to learn after the assault that peace has been signed by General Lee few days earlier, Appomatox . Thomas then left the army and embarked with his surviving men in the capture of a herd of wild horses 3000, it intends to resell the Union. This not only put the price, while Thomas gives his flock to representatives of the Emperor Maximilian of Mexico , head of an unpopular regime challenged by the rebellion of General Benito Juarez. his part, Colonel Langdon, a former colonel of a Confederate cavalry unit, fire his plantation and takes his family and his surviving men to Mexico to continue to honor and traditions of the defeated South. In a hostile country in the throes of revolution, former Union soldiers and Confederate Veterans will have to meet and measure at fair value through the trials that await them ...

The Undefeated (Again, the original title, although more explicit, has been poorly translated into French), is a Western classical style based on the confrontation between John Wayne Rock Hudson and . We expected more, moreover, by Rock Hudson a little pale in front of "Duke . The fans will not be surprised to find most secondary players fetish films of John Wayne. Note the appearance of J. Michael Vincent very young then, and who became famous for playing the lead role in the series Airwolf in the 80s.

The film was made in 1969, when the United States is the most committed in terms of staff, Vietnam : The Vietnamization is yet far off. In this context, it is fashionable to make a film smoothing the rift between North and South created by the Civil War, especially the racial problems related to the claim of civil rights by blacks in the years 60 strike also hit by the U.S. military deployed in the field. The Western gives pride to the "brotherhood of arms " in honor, chivalry, officers from North and South. Yet one of the few to mention Mexico's reign of Maximilian , faces a revolt soon Benito Juarez victorious: the subject is also in other westerns, Vera Cruz (Gary Cooper with and Burt Lancaster, 1955) and Sierra Torrid ( Clint Eastwood, 1970) . The subject itself is derived from true stories, because the generals Confederate Sterling Price and Shelby Jo refugees were well in Mexico after the defeat of the Confederacy.

In short, what a pleasant time, but nothing more.


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