Monday, January 17, 2011

Soccer Referee Headphones

Cote 465 (Men in War) by Anthony Mann ( 1957)

September 6, 1950, South Korea. The North invaded the territory of Seoul on June 25 control and then almost all countries. Only a small pocket of South Korea, backed by the first elements of the U.S. and other troops under the mandate UN remains, leaning against the port of Pusan in south-eastern Korea. After the offensive North Korean's pocket Pusan along the Nakdong River , a section of the bruised 24th Infantry Division U.S. finds itself isolated from other units. Private radio contact, Lt. Benson (Robert Ryan), who commands the detachment , decides to rally document 465, an eminence which must be friendly lines. The small group is exhausted harassed by North Korean infiltrators, snipers or scouts who kill one by one to take their weapons and demoralize. Along the way, the group meets and stops a jeep driven by Sergeant "Montana" (Aldo Ray) carrying a colonel suffered a traumatic shock following the explosion of a mine, both belonging to the 1st Cavalry Division . Between the sergeant who is tired of fighting and wants to save his colonel, who treated him like a son, and Lieutenant Benson, eager to reach the score 465, then engages in a duel charismatic eventually reunite to storm the ridge means freedom ...

Decal several other war films ( Adventures in Burma with Erroll Flynn for instance) and books on World War II, Men in War (the English title is more revealing than the French translation, as so often) was very badly received by the U.S. military for the depiction of an isolated unit where discipline tends to relax, just a few years after the end the Korean War marked, in fact, by several disasters important for the forces of the United States ( Chosin Reservoir , etc.). Anthony Mann , hitherto confined to rather westerns, signs marking the first war movie, suje which he will return in 1965 with Heroes of Telemark on resistance in Norway and the Battle of heavy water. It is a fable about men facing war, as the title suggests, in a desperate fight against elements that seem inevitable, but the most hardened triumph by the sacrifices of their comrades. The message is not patriotic or warlike quite the contrary. A movie to watch, definitely.


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