In the Name of Allah, the All-Mercy, the Merciful.
Our Faith is speech and action,
With obedience, it increases.
It decreases the rebellion reborn
And when hearts repent.
We say that Allah is High,
This, in belief, is known, it
question is innovated
For the "how" remains unknown.
All the prophets, we recognize,
As all revealed Books,
But we deny the crucifixion
From Messiah to high heaven.
Our Faith is belief in angels,
What our eyes have ever seen. Declare
true Messages
All envoys received.
Whether sweet or bitter, we believe
In Destin, against which it endures.
In our eyes of believers, we see
What nobody knows the future.
our faith, our love for a man, whose name
calls for praise.
on him, all the prayers of men,
Hi and blessings of the Angels.
Him whose companions are our masters,
They, the brave pioneers Muslims
They who fought resolutely
For only Allah, the world into submission.
The Prophet's wives are our mothers,
But he was a sweet consolation.
And anyone who wrongly accused, it expects to
tortures of Hell.
And we had renounced the practice
Trends and occult beliefs.
Then we based our worship,
on solid and authentic.
The righteous predecessors, we follow
Because their way is the way to Hi. And
survive for so
buffs Chosen Messenger.
Our belief has made us free, we who draw
science in books.
And sages recognized for their Faith, Not
large ignorant barking.
For the texts, we were warned,
From the great sultans of tyranny.
By ourselves, we have perverted
But we will win that patiently.
Then we become friends,
And have tried to imitate
Those before us, defiled the Faith.
And we borrowed their way.
The Koran, we want to conquer,
Lu, learned, practiced, taught,
If you knew the good he has,
And how many hearts he comforted.
On any precept, we have shame
These are all the verses that accepts
And anyone hate a single letter,
will come in response to Day of Reckoning.
We are those who dream of beyond,
For this world has the feel of prison. Our
facts and our actions are for Allah,
Your world is only dark illusion.
: Abu-Hind:: www.abu-hind.blogspot.com
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