In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
By the blood of slaves, were built so many realms. Scarlet
liquor through all time, is spreading. Without faith
people brave the wicked would draw blood
Innocent children to cover their smiles monochrome.
And streams of tears of blood through our land. Her perfume
seem threatening the best of flavors. When the roaring cry
destroy molecules and atoms;
We have marked the history of men by our pints of blood.
Since the People of the Book were diverted from their Psalms
Ecorchés unconscious by the claws of Satan. Prisoners
so long passions of an ideal phantom: For never
Peace was not sealed without spilling blood.
Yes, we are fighters and our fathers shook Rome.
And we lit the world like a sunrise.
For the Noble Word of the Lord, against a world oppressive
A cast our blood, which was liberating for Men.
Abu Hind 2011: www.abu-hind.blogspot.com
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