In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
Homeland Ommeyyades the horizon decorated minarets. Sumptuous
walks, my senses, they are seized.
Dweller in my dreams, your meeting was sweeter than my dreams.
Harmonious landscapes on which a gentle sun rises.
Abroad as I was at your people who gave me his hand,
When I walk the earth on which warred Saladin.
And our differences, we have managed to build treasures.
What you offered me, in my view, is more precious than gold. I wanted to keep
land from Syria in my heart.
His love, enthusiasm, smiles, its intense heat.
Its beauty, its colors and austere remains Ottomans.
In History of the Faithful, it is one of the most beautiful ornaments.
Like a divine blessing, I have gained what you have learned.
As if it were mine, your country, which I love.
I'm cutting through your streets of Damascus millennia.
And I remember your perfume, closing the eyelids.
What I miss your markets and your jovial crowds.
And the nights so serene, the sweetness of the Koran chanted. Silent
mosques, sincerity are dedicated.
I see you before your mountains will crumble.
Like a prince welcomed, I left you with no regrets.
I was filing my love in your walls of sandstone.
simultaneous calls in Hi, I remember.
If this is the decree of God, soon I'll be back.
: Abu-Hind 2011:: www.abu-hind.blogspot.com
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